Typical Family Income of Kids Who Join Gangs

Youngsters who turn to violent gangs for role models are like 'child soldiers in the third world', claims Iain Duncan Smith

  • Blamed Labour for creating a 'dysfunctional, growing underclass'
  • Decent people cannot live where gangs rule, government minister said

Young sters from dysfunctional broken backgrounds who join gangs are like child soldiers in the tertiary earth who seek companionship and office models, according to Ian Duncan Smith.

Speaking at the Conservative Political party briefing in Manchester today, he told delegates that gang members were seeking a sense of belonging.

He said: 'Many young gang members drift in from dysfunctional cleaved backgrounds, in search of a identify to belong, a perverse kind of family, others through fright of retribution.

Time for change: Ian Duncan Smith told the Conservative Party Conference today that gangs played a 'significant part' in August's riots and that decent people cannot live in areas where they rule

Fourth dimension for change: Ian Duncan Smith told the Conservative Party Conference today that gangs played a 'significant role' in August's riots and that decent people cannot live in areas where they rule

'With no part models except the vehement and the criminal, like child soldiers of the tertiary earth these young minds conduct the deep scars of a life filled with acrimony and violence.

'Fighting this through our police forces is crucial, only this isn't a job for officers alone; nosotros must cease the false belief that we can abort our fashion out of this crisis.'

The Work and Pensions Secretary said tackling Britain's 'violent gang culture' was vital, and restoring the economy went 'manus in hand with restoring society'.

He blamed gangs for playing a 'pregnant part' in August's riots across England, and said decent people cannot live in areas where gangs rule,

Mr Duncan Smith defendant Labour of overseeing the institution of a British underclass which exploded onto the streets over v nights ii months ago.

He said the riots were a 'wake-upwards call' which showed 'containing' the underclass had failed.

'The scenes of young people ransacking local businesses, displaying stolen goods on the internet, spoke to a dissentious culture on the rise in contempo years,' said the Cabinet minister.

'Gang members were non the sole perpetrators of the riots but they played a pregnant role.'

Mr Duncan Smith told delegates today that foreign workers left too many Britons living on benefits and leading unproductive lives

Mr Duncan Smith told delegates today that foreign workers left too many Britons living on benefits and leading unproductive lives

Mr Duncan Smith told delegates today that foreign workers left too many Britons living on benefits and leading unproductive lives

He said he believed the riots 'provided a moment of clarity for united states of america all, a reminder that a stiff economy requires a strong social settlement, with stable families ready to play a productive role in their communities'.

He added: 'Our task is to accomplish this rebalancing of society.'

Mr Duncan Smith as well blamed Labour for allowing foreign workers to take British jobs while unemployed Britons languished on welfare handouts.

'For too long the last Government understood that we had a social problem, just considered it a second guild consequence,' said Mr Duncan Smith.

Anger and violence: No role models except the violent and the criminal is results in some youngsters joining gangs

Anger and violence: No role models except the violent and the criminal results in some youngsters joining gangs

'They knew likewise many British people were on benefits living unproductive lives, just their short-term coping strategy was to bring in more and more workers from overseas to fill up the gaps.

'A growing underclass was establishing itself, shut away, dysfunctional and too often violent.

'What August showed united states was that containment is not an option anymore.'

In a wide-ranging speech to delegates, he said ministers were already delivering many of the promises set out a yr ago.

He pointed to its flagship Work Plan to help the long-term unemployed discover jobs, saying Labour left a welfare organisation which 'treated symptoms, not causes'.

Mr Duncan Smith, who founded the Centre for Social Justice think-tank, added: 'Is it whatsoever wonder we confront such entrenched levels of family unit breakdown, inactivity and a sense of entitlement?

'Ending this failure is similar turning a super tanker effectually - but nosotros must and we are.'

Before, the conference heard from ii people helped into employment through the Piece of work Program, which Mr Duncan Smith described equally 'non simply the Large Society at piece of work, only the Big Lodge getting people back to piece of work, ending the something-for- nothing culture'.

He likewise repeated Prime Minister David Cameron'due south vow to recognise wedlock in the taxation system earlier the side by side general election in 2015, maxim two-parent families provided greater stability.

And in a swipe at Europe, correct-winger Mr Duncan Smith repeated onetime Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's famous 'no, no, no' at plans for greater European integration 21 years ago.

The Work and Pensions Secretary said tackling Britain's 'violent gang culture' was vital, and restoring the economy went 'hand in hand with restoring society'.

The Work and Pensions Secretary said tackling Great britain's 'trigger-happy gang culture' was vital, and restoring the economy went 'hand in hand with restoring society'

He said today: 'At a time when the British people are tightening their belts, and the European Commission orders us to open our doors to benefit tourists and pay them benefits when they get in here, I have a uncomplicated message for them: no, no, no.'

The Work and Pensions Secretarial assistant also hailed the presence of his wife, Betsy, at the briefing, her first Tory appearance for 3 years as she battled cancer.

Admitting it was a 'especially special' day for him, he told delegates: 'Seeing her here today in the hall for the first fourth dimension is wonderful, and so welcome dorsum, Betsy.'


Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2044692/Tory-Conference-2011-Youngsters-join-gangs-like-3rd-world-child-soldiers.html

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