Men in Black Movie Man Reading Newspaper

Men in Blackness 2 (stylized MIIB) is a 2002 American science fiction activeness comedy motion picture starring Tommy Lee Jones and Volition Smith. The pic is a sequel to the 1997 film Men in Black and was followed by Men in Blackness 3, released in 2012.

With Chiliad officially retired (with his memory wiped and noncombatant identity restored) J has been working overtime every bit the top field amanuensis of MiB. A powerful and malevolent conflicting named Serleena returns to Earth looking for "The Calorie-free of Zartha," which is tied to a case K was involved with back in the '70s. To become the information they need, they reinstate K and go dorsum to business.

Much like the first movie, Will Smith released a tie-in music video entitled "Black Suits Comin' (Nod Ya Head)".

This film provides examples of:

  • xxx-Second Blackout: When J has to employ Jeeb'southward illegal deneuralyzer to make K remember, a big office of NYC has a blackout considering of it.
  • Actionized Sequel: The commencement film had some chase sequences, a little scrap of gunplay and brief physical engagements, only was more of a sci-fi procedural. This film triples down on the action quotient, with the main characters getting into extended fight scenes and wrestling large aliens in a much more over-the-meridian style (Zed somehow floats in mid-air repeatedly bicycle kicking Sarleena, to no consequence).
  • Histrion Allusion
  • Adam Westing: Michael Jackson desperately wants to be an Agent. "I could be Amanuensis M!"
  • Air Quotes: Peter Graves in the z-movie.

    Narrator: Here'due south one of their stories that "never happened", from one of their files that "doesn't exist".

  • Amnesia Missed a Spot: Kay neuralyzed his ain memories almost his run in with Serleena and Lauranna, but watching the "reenactment" causes some of the memories to come up to the fore.

    Kay: ... no. It was raining...

  • Anal Probing: Sci-Fi nerd Newton, upon finding out what J and Grand really do, raises the question, "What's upwards with anal probing?" J isn't having any of it.

    J: BOY, Motility.

  • Apathetic Citizens: J is thrown through the window of a New York subway train shortly subsequently attempting to sedate Jeffrey with a tranquilizer and immediately starts shouting at everyone to evacuate to the next car. The passengers ignore him until Jeffrey bites a clamper off the car. Once the crisis is resolved and the train limps to a stop in the station, he neuralyzes them and starts chewing them out well-nigh this past pointing out that in an bodily emergency, they would have been eaten. He then reneuralyzes them one time he realizes that he's carried on for far too long, now with a hilarious story requesting that they enjoy using new space-efficient, energy-saving cars.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking:
    • Serleena murders Ben subsequently he refuses to divulge the location of the Light of Zartha. She also steals some of the pizza from his eating house.
    • Jay tells Jaara he's nether arrest for, among other things, "existence that ugly" and making too many copies of himself.
  • As Himself: Peter Graves as the conspiracy narrator.
  • Ascended Extra: Frank the Pug and the worms from the kickoff moving-picture show, having gone from bit characters to supporting ones. This is likely considering of the drawing having given them more popularity.
  • Airship Belly: Serleena gets one after swallowing the mugger in the park whole, which she manages to become rid of past spitting him back out.
  • Balls of Steel: Thousand is trying to fight off an alien with little success until J points out that that particular conflicting is impervious to groin attacks...because his assurance are on his mentum instead.
  • Blank Your Midriff: Serleena in the commencement of the film.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Don't pull on Jeff's flower head, or else he will go into an immense binge across the city and the subway arrangement.
    • Don't mention to One thousand that his married woman left him because he spends well-nigh of his time stargazing and wondering if at that place's more than going on out in that location. Also something of a Callback to the outset motion picture where he mentions how he left his girlfriend to become MIB.
  • Big Bad: Serleena.
  • Big Eater: Serleena. And non but a fully grown human. Numerous scenes have her carrying effectually fast food of some sort.
  • Big Footling Human: Serleena's spacecraft, which flies around blowing upwards planets turns out to exist smaller than a dog. And let's non forget how our unabridged universe is within an aerodrome locker.
  • Big Ruddy Button: Don't press the i in J's automobile if y'all don't know what a PS1 controller is, and your mother never gave you a Game Boy...


  • Large Shadow, Little Creature: Serleena landing in a B-pic sci fi spacecraft, which is revealed to be the size of a styrofoam cup.
  • Biting-the-Paw Sense of humour: When J sees the intro of the Z-movie about the light of Zartha, he says, that it "Looks like Spielberg's piece of work." Doubles as Self-Deprecation, since he's also the producer of MIB 2.
  • Black Comedy: Kay and Jay neuralyze the video store owner and his girlfriend, and 1 of their suggestions is for him to move out of his mom'due south attic. The scene ends with the store owner calling out for his mom later picking up a shovel he just happened to take...
  • Black Pigsty Belly:
    • Serleena swallows a human at least a foot taller than her.
    • Towards the end of the film, after Serleena is consumed by Jeff, she devours him from the inside out and grows to a large size in mere minutes.
  • Brick Joke:
    • Early on, Zed has to deal with Michael Jackson pestering him to be an agent. After being taken earnest by Serleena, he tries distracting her by calling up Michael, who still wants to exist an agent.
    • At the video store, the co-owner rambles about her theories, including one about how Caribbean resorts charging crab meals for $5 is a conspiracy. One time she and Newton are neuralyzed, Kay instructs them to continue vacation, purchase a crab repast and charge more $5.
  • Burp of Finality:
    • It's a little hard to hear amidst all the other sounds going on, but when Serleena swallows the mugger live she gives a slight, low burp as she finishes.
    • Jeff, after eating Serleena. Turns out to be slightly less 'final' than Jay presumed.
  • Buxom Is Better: Lampshaded by Serleena:
  • Bystander Syndrome: MIB headquarters is taken over, all the agents are tied upward, simply the guy reading the paper remains completely apathetic.

    Man reading newspaper: it's 'bout time you lot guys got here. That pretty lady in there's causing all kinds of hell.

  • Phone call-Back:
    • After K regains his retentivity, the constellation he stares at is Orion.
    • The diner J and T go to has a UFO in it. Word of God says it's the same UFO that belonged to "Edgar" earlier it got taken by MIB.
  • Canon Immigrant: Amid other shout outs to the cartoon, the deneuralyzer.
  • Ceiling Cling: When J, M, and the worm guys take the elevator downwards into the MIB HQ after Serleena takes it over, the elevator is met by a gun-toting robot that pumps dozens of bullets into the lift as the doors open. Information technology and then turns out that the elevator's occupants are all doing a ceiling cling to avoid existence hit.
  • Chekhov's Gun:
    • The dodgy z-pic that begins the film, which Kay and Jay later use to observe clues virtually the Lite.
    • The spotter from the locker that Kay mentions he's been looking everywhere for seems to serve little purpose other than to inform our heroes how much time they have left to solve the case. At the end of the movie it turns out information technology's also the activation switch for the behemothic neuralyzer in the Statue of Freedom's torch. Jay immediately declares that he wants one after seeing it in action.
  • Chekhov'southward Gunman: Jeff, who gets an action sequence devoted to him at the get-go of the movie, and comes back at the climax.
  • Consuming Passion: Serleena, full stop. Every fourth dimension she brings up eating someone (and that someone is e'er a member of the opposite sex) there is always a sexual border to it. A couple parts that stand up out in particular are when she licks K's face up and the mugger scene. The fashion it starts with her in barely there lingerie and high heels. The mugger telling her she tastes adept, and the way she turns the tables on the guy and eats him earlier shooting dorsum with a "yep, you lot too" are all played for Fanservice besides as horror and humor.
  • Creator Cameo:
    • Barry Sonnenfeld (with his wife and daughter) as the family in the apartment K and J raid for weapons.
    • Rick Bakery, the special effects artist for these films, has a cameo as an MIB agent at immigration. He'southward the one with a ponytail who'south helping explicate an conflicting's disguise.
  • Cruel and Unusual Decease:
    • Serleena devouring the mugger live is a pretty horrific sight past itself, just and so you terminate and imagine what exactly is happening to the poor bastard inside of her tum.
    • Serleena uses one of her Tentacles to slice through the peel suit of another Alien and apparently vaporises him, leaving cypher but the ii halves of his Human disguise.
    • Seerlena kills Jeff by eating him from the inside after she gets tricked into getting Swallowed Whole by the latter.
  • Cut the Juice: J orders the power to the facility be cut in order to cancel Serleena's flying with Laura and the light of Zartha, but the plan ended up proving to be unnecessary subsequently J managed to end the launch sequence at the last second.
  • Mortiferous Upgrade: Serleena, afterward she infected Jeff.
  • Death by Gluttony: Jeff swallows Serleena toward the end of the pic, simply she devours him from the inside out and bursts from his belly as a gigantic worm shortly after.
  • Disney Death
    • Variation. When J attempts to plant a communication channel with Frank, he gives Frank an lodge, merely his transmission was cut inexplicably, leading the worms and Frank (and initially the audience) to remember that J and One thousand were shot down and killed past Serleena. However, it later becomes apparent that J and K survived, but the earlier shot simply disabled their communications, thus explaining why the transmission concluded.
    • Serleena herself gets a pretty notable one too. During the chase at the end she flies into the giant alien worm Jeffrey'due south rima oris and she gets eaten. It seems like this will exist the last we see of her. Unfortunately she comes bursting out of Jeff's body and is now as large as he was.
  • Earth-Shattering Kaboom: The showtime of the film shows Serleena destroying planets every bit she passes by. Even more amazing when the viewers find out that the send is only a human foot tall.
  • Eaten Alive: Serleena is capable of eating other lifeforms twice her size, and she fifty-fifty swallows a Human whole in the intro. Towards the end of the film she is herself swallowed by a giant worm named Jeff. It merely stops her temporarily, equally she devours him from the within and becomes a behemothic worm herself.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Serleena's true grade. Well, a very small ane, but yet... She becomes gigantic at the motion picture'southward climax.
  • Empathic Surroundings: It begins to rain at the end of the film, as the Lite of Zartha begins crying every bit her transport leaves. It ever rains when she cries. Or more accurately, it rains considering she'southward deplorable.
  • Evil Is Petty: The opening credits testify Sarleena destroying planets she passed by.
  • Extremely Brusk Timespan: Takes place by and large in one dark.
  • Fake Faint: Scrad and Charlie pretend to collapse afterward seeing Serleena flash her bra in order to create a distraction while she infests MIB headquarters.
  • Fan Disservice: Serleena in but her underwear, right after she'southward eaten someone alive, leaving her stomach unrealistically bulging out.
  • Fanservice: Rosario Dawson's presence, though it'south kind of dwarfed past having Lara Flynn Boyle playing as an alien that disguises herself equally an underwear model in leather.
  • Fisher Rex: Laura is a mild example. When she is sad it starts raining. At the terminate when she leaves Globe for expert we run across her spaceship is full of rain.
  • Forgot the Telephone call: K got tired of working, and asked to be neuralyzed. The start one-half of the 2d film is spent trying to get his retention back due to him knowing a Plot Coupon he also forgot.
  • Gaia'due south Lament: Jarra was arrested by Jay for trying to steal Earth'south ozone. He treats this similar a hysterical overreaction.
  • Getting Eaten Is Harmless: Serleena. At the climax she accidentally flies her send into Jeff's mouth and he eats her. In spite of the giant worm having rows of teeth running all the style to the back of his pharynx and devouring her with lots and lots of chewing, she winds upward eating him from the within out, assuasive her to become a behemothic version of her true form.
  • Ghostly Glide: The tall, conical alien Jarra moves like this, though more than for extraterrestrial reasons.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: When a mugger grabs Serleena in Cardinal Park, he drags her backside a bush with pretty obvious intentions. Said bush-league ends up obscuring what happens side by side, when Serleena devours the Human being alive, although how she does it is assumed to be extremely nasty. All that we exercise see are his legs as he'south swallowed whole.
  • Great Offscreen War: It was mentioned that the Kylothians and the Zarthans have been at war for over fifty years only it was unknown if the war resulted in victory or defeat for either side.
  • The Greatest Story Never Told: J tells Chiliad that MIB work is not for people who want to be a hero, as the inherent secrecy of the chore means that no recognition will ever come. He makes a point of mentioning James Edwards (his at present-erased noncombatant identity), who saved dozens of lives in the subway that nighttime and will never be thanked for it because nobody remembers that he even exists.
  • Groin Attack:
    • "K, he's a Ballchinian!"
    • Also heavily implied to be what Frank the Pug (then known as Agent Eff) attempted to do when he was laughed at by a fellow agent.
  • Growling Gut: Serleena's stomach can be heard noisily churning and sloshing with each footstep she takes equally it digests the mugger she's just Swallowed Whole.
  • Half the Human being He Used to Be: One of the Worms gets sliced in half by Serleena, but he'south fortunately able to reattach himself with no trouble.
  • Happy Ending Override: In betwixt movies, K's married woman left him and Fifty went dorsum to her old life.
  • Hilarious Outtakes: Particularly an extended outtake in which director Barry Sonnenfeld keeps calling a stand up-in by the wrong proper name, much to the amusement of the actors.

    Barry Sonnenfeld: Derek, tin can you try to—
    Volition Smith: Who the fuck is Derek?!

  • "How Did You Know?" "I Didn't.": After being put in the deneuralyzer, Kay blasts Jeebs with the Noisy Cricket. He hasn't gotten his retentiveness dorsum still. Good affair Jeebs' head regrows...
  • Hypocritical Sense of humour: Serleena's thugs giggle when Jay insults 1 of their number for looking like crap. They're much less amused when he says they look like crap as well.
  • Idiot Brawl: A few people pick it up throughout the moving picture. Agent T seems to exist stupid personified, at least past MIB standards.
    • Serleena seems to play sports with it; she takes a long ass time talking to Thou, whom she has at her mercy, instead of killing him. Oh, and when she finally has Laura in a spaceship fix to go, what does she practise? Set it at a conveniently long countdown instead of only 3,two,1 smash off.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: Serleena seems to relish eating human males, just ask that poor guy who saw her in her underwear.
  • Jump Scare: The precipitous way Jeebs' head explodes after they de-neuralyze Amanuensis One thousand feels like this.
  • Only Desserts:
    • During the climax, Serleena gets Eaten Live by Jeff the Worm.
    • This happens before in the movie where Serleena eats a mugger who tried to mug or possibly rape her.
  • Karmic Death: The mugger who attacks Serleena gets swallowed alive by the very woman he tried to sexually set on.
  • Killer Rabbit:
    • Frank.

      Frank: Got kids?
      Amanuensis: [who was laughing at him] No.
      Frank: Want 'em? [growls]
      [scene switches to J equally frank mauls the other agent off-photographic camera]

    • Serleena's true form is pretty tiny (heck, even when she takes on man class, she'south simply five'6). Doesn't stop her from being unsafe, though.
  • Impale It Through Its Stomach: Poor Jeff...
  • Lamprey Oral cavity: Jeff has a huge i, while Serleena's got hundreds on her private tendrils.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Kay, having been neuralyzed. And in the past as well, to hide the truth of the Lite even further.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: When Agent J says, "Looks like Spielberg'south work", it's a shoutout to Spielberg, who is an executive producer in this franchise.
  • Lecherous Licking:
    • A mugger licks Serleena's face earlier she swallows him.
    • Serleena sticks her tongue in Agent K's ear.
  • Lighter and Softer: To the point of parody. The original comic was much, much darker. It is besides lighter than the beginning film.
  • Literal Human being Eater: Serleena. The "homo" part is particularly emphasized because she seems to express interest in eating the male person characters the most.
  • Living Macguffin: Kay, since he'due south the only one who knows the details of the Light's location. And Laura, being the Lite itself.
  • Losing Your Caput: Jeebs.
  • Low Clearance: Played for laughs when Jay is trying to subdue the behemothic worm conflicting in the subway tunnel. He's riding along on top of it and having to duck low-cal fixtures and diverse other objects.
  • Luke, I Might Be Your Father: It'south heavily implied K is Laura/The Light of Zartha's nativity-father.
  • MacGuffin Person Reveal: Most of the movie is spent looking for the Calorie-free of Zartha, which turns out to be a Human Conflicting (and J'south Love Involvement).
  • Mandatory Unretirement: Kay gets called back because he has information even he doesn't know he has.
  • Retention Wipe Exploitation: Later Agent J saves the subway passengers from being eaten by a giant worm and the train stops at the side by side station, he neuralyzes them and starts chewing them out for ignoring his warnings and only evacuating to the next train machine one time the worm had started eating the train. He then reneuralyzes them one time he realizes that he'southward carried on for far likewise long and tells them a story requesting that they enjoy using new space-efficient, free energy-saving cars.
  • Morton'southward Fork: Jeebs doesn't desire to deneuralyze K because if it doesn't piece of work, they'll blow off his head, and if information technology does, K is back and will probably blow off his head for the fun of it. He asks why would he hazard either option, which is answered with a gun to his caput.
  • Multi-Armed Multitasking: The mail-sorting conflicting. He also appears in the music video for "Blackness Suits Comin' (Nod Ya Head)" by Volition Smith, where he is seen transmitting the prove all across the galaxy.
  • Mugging the Monster: Serleena is attacked by a mugger merely one second afterward she takes on the form of an underwear model. Somehow, he managed not to notice the underwear model was a mass of worms and ivy, presumably because he was offscreen. Or, since the rest of her scantily clad grade was finished, and but some of her face and pilus were unfinished correct before he attacked, he most probable wasn't looking at her head. Equally a advantage for his ignorance, he gets eaten.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • The diner J and T go to has a UFO in information technology. It'south a mythology gag to the blithe series, where a UFO crashed into a diner, and after neuralizing the owners, J congratulated them on their new decoration.
    • When the man reading the newspaper expresses his gladness while reading his paper about J and K returning to the MIB headquarters after Serleena locked it down, the headlines country that Satan has returned to Earth. In the original comic of the Men in Black, besides tracking aliens, the MIB likewise tracked down demons and supernatural entities.
  • Naïve Newcomer: K, when J tries to bring him back. J gets exasperated when he keeps poking everything.
  • Nasal Trauma: Serleena tortures Scrad and Charlie for information by threading her tendrils into their noses - in one nostril and out the other, from one head to the next. In an agreeable twist, this doesn't just cause them meaning pain, but it actually makes them speak in Helium Speech communication.
  • Prissy Task Breaking It, Hero: J neuralyzes Newton at the video store, and gives him an instruction to non live with his mother, as he was a eye-aged man. It is heavily unsaid (by him calling for his female parent while brandishing a shovel) that he kills her to follow this instruction from J.
  • Not Sequitur Environment: The film ends with K opening a perfectly normal door in MIB headquarters (on Earth) and inviting J and Frank to take a look: on the other side of the door, they're seen to exist standing in a locker high to a higher place a massive spaceport concourse dominated by behemothic aliens.
  • Noodle Incident:
    • J saved the world from a Crelon invasion. K isn't impressed.

      K: Oh, please, Crelons are the Backstreet Boys of the universe. What'd they do, throw snowballs at you?

    • MIB Customs ends upwardly with an alien corpse in information technology considering of something a rookie amanuensis did.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: Jay has gotten a reputation of neuralyzing people on a whim, and Zed won't stop chastising him for it.
  • I-Winged Angel: Serleena'south final takeover of the Subway Worm.
  • Orphaned Punchline:
    • "Rectum? Damn near killed 'em" by the worms.
    • When J is attempting to establish a channel with Frank during their chase with Serleena, Frank the Pug says to the Worm with a cigar in his mouth "And then I said 'Heed, bowwow! If you don't want me to kick your skinny, zone-diet ass, I advise you turn tail and go out the planet!'"
  • Pivot-Pulling Teeth: While K is doing a Ceiling Cling in the MIB headquarters lift, he uses his teeth to pull the pin from a grenade and drops information technology abreast the combat robot that is trying to impale him. He swings out of the elevator and, later the door closes, the grenade destroys the robot.
  • Production Placement: Burger Male monarch and Ebay are prominent.
  • Properly Paranoid: Newton.
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner:
    • J to Serleena: "Your flying's been canceled," although she gets better... temporarily.
    • A mugger gives one to Serleena in the form of "Hey pretty lady, you taste good," correct before dragging her behind a bush-league. She throws it dorsum at him afterward easily overpowering him and ravenously swallowing him alive.
  • Punctuated! For! Emphasis!:
    • When J asks M if his female parent always gave him a GameBoy:
    • J also has his moments:

      J: WE GOT A Bug! IN THE ELECTRICAL System!

  • Race Elevator: Happens in-universe, oddly enough; the Lauranna seen in the "Mysteries in History" segment that opens the film is depicted equally a blonde-haired Caucasian adult female, but the real Lauranna seen in G'south flashback looks like an Asian adult female.
  • Recursive Reality: The film shows a world inside a locker where Thou's sentry is a symbol of worship, and then at the cease, Yard shows J that their earth is also but within a larger locker. An alternating ending has J going on vacation and ending up on the world inside the locker and the size of its inhabitants, implying some sort of change in size when y'all go through the locker door, or that the lockers are more of a Portal Network.
  • Red Herring: J (and the viewer) are led to believe that the Light of Zartha was Laura's sentinel. Actually, the lookout man was a time flop activated to accident upwards with enough explosive power to destroy the planet (presumably as a means to avoid the villain from gaining information technology on Earth). The existent Calorie-free of Zartha was actually Laura herself.
  • Retired Badass: K.
  • Rule of Perception: The ropey conflicting disguises are supposedly Invisible to Normals, but MIBs are fully able to spot them. Lampshaded in this pic when freshly deneuralysed One thousand starts seeing them for himself. We come across fifty-fifty more in the third movie.
  • Same Plot Sequel: J recruiting Thousand was largely a role reversal from the start picture of a veteran trying to bring a new recruit upwardly to speed, while likewise trying to repeat similar gags like the noisy cricket and give larger roles to Frank and the Worms. The main villain is also a shapeshifter with a monstrous I-Winged Affections form, looking for a Macguffin that is not equally obvious equally we call back it is.
  • Sand Worm: Jeff, though he uses tunnels which are already built (the NYC subway).
  • Sci-Fi Writers Have No Sense of Scale: Arguably averted. Serleena at one indicate asks for a spacecraft that can travel 300 times the speed of light. To put it into perspective, this speed would become you to Proxima Centauri, our nearest star (after the Sun, of course), in 5.13 days. Still inappreciably the instant travel across the universe we ever see in sci-fi, but at to the lowest degree the writers made an effort.
  • Sequel Not-Entity: Laurel gets mentioned once just to "explain" why she isn't with them.
  • Sequel Reset: The offset movie concluded with G happily retired, all MIB memories erased and given a chance to outset things over with the honey of his life. J, meanwhile, became One thousand's replacement and got a new partner of his own in Amanuensis 50. The sequel drops L (her absence is merely Hand Waved) and brings back the amnesic K. Matter is, one time his memories are restored, the same grapheme dynamic from the first movie is repeated, despite J having v years of experience.
  • Sexy Coat Flashing: Serleena actually wants to become an underwear model (simply not before infesting MIB headquarters).
  • Shout-Out: In the beatboxing scene, the 2nd of Agent J's beatboxes is from "La Di Da Di" past Slick Rick.
  • Speed Demon: 1 scene has an alien in a post office sorting out the postal service very quickly while "Speed Demon" past Keel plays in the groundwork.
  • Spit Out a Shoe
  • Starfish Language: J communicates with an conflicting played by Biz Markie with beat-boxing.
  • Stylistic Suck: The 'movie' that begins the film is intentionally equally crummy equally humanly possible, right down to poor editing and overly dramatic narrating, with Serleena existence portrayed as an player in a costume subdued by the MIB using butterfly nets.
  • Summon Bigger Fish: While existence chased past Serleena, J leads her into the subway tunnels and direct to Jeffrey, who swallows her whole. Information technology only works temporarily.
  • Super Multipurpose Room: K hid a stash of conflicting weaponry in his old apartment.
  • Swallowed Whole:
    • Serleena to a would-be rapist.
    • Jeff to Serleena and her transport.
  • At that place Are No Therapists: Apparently Newton is seeing a therapist for his conspiracy theorising. According to his girlfriend, it'south not helping.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Jay'south reaction to being bent is less "I'thou gonna be killed" and more than annoyance.

    Jay: Naw, man, don't curve him!

  • To Serve Man: Serleena's preferred way of killing people, although she has other methods, like using her tentacles. She can consume a human-sized victim whole even though she isn't much bigger.
  • The Napoleon: Serleena, technically, given her true class is a little worm.
  • Toilet Humor: The deneuralyzer room in the MIB HQ is shaped like a toilet bowl. When Serleena attacks MIB HQ, they are literally "flushed out".
  • Toilet Teleportation: Parodied when Jay and Kay have to exist "flushed" from headquarters. They're not flushed out through an actual toilet... just something that looks like one.
  • As well Much Information: One thousand, Frank, and Zed all talk about their own sexual experiences with aliens at the end to cheer J up subsequently his Dearest Interest was revealed to exist i and forced to return home, much to J's disgust.

    J: [pointing at Frank] No communication. [pointing at K] No talking. [pointing at Zed] ...HELL no.

  • Unexplained Recovery: Newton, the exterminator from the starting time moving picture, appears in the sequel despite seemignly dead in the previous one.
  • Unstoppable Rage: After J's new recruit foolishly tries to pull on Jeffrey (the Subway Worm's) flower, to put it simply, he's extremely P.O.'ed, and starts lashing out at everything, including J, and and so rampaging beyond the Subway tunnels. He eventually calms down after J attempts to threaten to blast him if he doesn't calm downwards, and presumably likewise due to the tranquilizer that he injected earlier finally going into effect after the slight filibuster.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight:
    • J can't clear a subway automobile he just crashed into considering anybody dismisses him equally only a New York nut. At least they get moving when a behemothic worm starts eating the car.
    • The mugger/would-be rapist doesn't find anything odd about a beautiful adult female hanging around Cardinal Park in the dead of the dark, by herself, wearing nothing only her lingerie and high heel shoes.
  • Villainous Crush: Serleena has a thing for Zed, which might explain why she didn't try to kill him during their fight. Unfortunately for her, the feelings aren't mutual.
  • Villainous Glutton: Not but does Serleena kill well-nigh victims by eating them, she eats whatsoever leftover food she finds at the scenes of her kills, including hamburgers and pizza. Clearly, she's Obsessed with Food, as her unabridged species are implied to be.
  • Weaponized Landmark: The Statue of Freedom. Sort of. At that place's actually a giant neuralyzer in the torch. Likewise a nod to the animated series episode "The Fmall, Fmall, Fmall World Syndrome", which showed the Empire State Building has a neuralyzer, dubbed "the Large One", built into the lightning rod.
  • What Does This Button Practise?: In the original, One thousand'south motorcar has the fiddling red button. In this one, J's car has two - one that turns it into a jet, the other deploys a dummy to look like the auto is existence driven past someone. Used to hilarious effect twice:

    K: That come standard?
    J: Well, it came with a black dude, only he kept gettin' pulled over.

  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Scrad and Charlie kind of just... disappear halfway through the moving picture.
  • When the Clock Strikes Twelve: If the Light of Zartha is not removed from the Earth past midnight, information technology will self destruct and destroy the planet.
  • White Void Room: The Deneuralyzing Room.
  • Why Am I Ticking?: The Calorie-free of Zartha'south Watch.
  • The Worm That Walks: Serleena, at least while in human form.
  • You Taste Delicious:
    • While the villainess was talking to M, she stuck her tongue in his ear.
    • These were actually the first words Serleena heard later landing on Earth and bold a man class, when a would-exist mugger licks the side of her face. Her reply?
  • You Were Trying Too Difficult: At the pizzeria, when J realizes the photograph is pointing at something, which seems to exist another photo pointing at something, which was ultimately... a cabinet total of sardines. K, still, sees the outset photo is pointing at a primal hanging from the wall.

    K: I hope I'm non slowing you downwardly, partner...

  • Zeerust: Jeebs' de-neuralyzer is distinctly less avant-garde than what was previously shown.


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